
Creating Healthy Mindsets and Pathways

2021-02-15T09:52:00-05:00February 15th, 2021|

Earlier this month we talked about looking at limiting beliefs and understanding how the resulting thoughts and attitudes affect our actions and behaviors. I promised that you didn’t have to be bound by your limiting beliefs and that you can turn them around to be life-giving and lead to thriving. Now we will explore how!

Let’s take the next step with our activity. We started with this flow:

· A limiting belief and unhelpful mindset is formed. Mine was “I’m not worthy”.

· Thoughts and attitudes grow from that belief. Mine were “I must prove my worth and earn my value”.

· Finally, actions and behaviors result from the thoughts. My actions were to strive for grades, achievements and accolades to prove myself and gain love which led to a lifetime of striving.

Now let’s move to another flow. We want to see what the positive/helpful mindset or belief would be.

Breaking the Cycle of Generational Trauma

2020-08-15T10:00:00-04:00August 15th, 2020|

Although it can be as quick as a few minutes, a traumatic event, such as sexual abuse, has harmful ripples that extend out decades and even generations. If the deeper struggles aren’t addressed, brought to light, and healed, each survivor will pass on the proclivity for poor choices and destructive relationships to the next generation. Sadly, I know this firsthand as my family has suffered multiple generations of trauma and sexual assault. Starting with my grandmother, and cascading down to most recently, my beloved daughter, the women in my lineage have been and are survivors.

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