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Mind, Body, Spirit, Healing Resources
Yoga –
Whether you seek flow, fitness, hot, gentle, or spiritually oriented yoga, you can find registered yoga instructors in your city.
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy –
This practice draws wisdom and practice from four key intersecting areas – Ancient Yoga Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychology, and Buddhism.
Nia combines dance, martial arts and mindfulness to create a holistic fitness practice addressing each aspect of your life – body, mind and soul.
Mindfulness and Meditation –
Tara Brach provides a variety of free recorded guided meditations ranging from 1 – 30 minutes in length. She also offers mindfulness exercises.
Book Recommendations
Rising Strong
Brené Brown
Social scientist Brené Brown has ignited a global conversation on courage, vulnerability, shame, and worthiness. She uncovers a profound truth: Vulnerability—the willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome—is the only path to more love, belonging, creativity, and joy.
Denial: Abuse, Addiction, and a Life Derailed
Nanette Kirsch
Based on a true story of 1 of the 1,000+ victims of the Pennsylvania sexual abuse exposed in the recent Grand Jury Report, this book exposes the systemic abuse over more than two decades across the state’s Roman Catholic dioceses. This award-winning book explores the devastating effects of abuse in one man’s life in an effort to help readers begin to count the cost to the victims as well as generations of loved ones impacted by this scandal.
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
Trauma is a fact of life. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world’s foremost experts on trauma, has spent over three decades working with survivors. He uses recent scientific advances to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers’ capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust. He explores innovative treatments (from neurofeedback and meditation to sports, drama, and yoga) and shares the tremendous power of our relationships to heal and reclaim our lives.
What Happened to You?
Dr. Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey
Through deeply personal conversations, Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Bruce Perry explore how what happens to us in early childhood influences the people we become. Winfrey marries the power of storytelling with Dr. Perry’s science and clinical experience to better understand and overcome the effects of trauma.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 | TTY at 1-800-799-4889
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) – (800) 656-HOPE (4673)
National Domestic Violence Hotline – (800) 799-SAFE (7233) and
Safe Helpline – Sexual Assault Support for the Department of Defense (DoD) Community
(877) 995-5247 and
Break the Silence Survivor Helpline
phone: 1 (855) 287-1777DoD Safe Helpline (for military members & their families)
phone: 1 (877) 995-5247National Dating Abuse Helpline
phone: 1 (866) 331-9474
message on FacebookThe National Domestic Violence Hotline
phone: 1 (800) 799-7233
phone: 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
message on FacebookVictimConnect
phone: 1 (855) 484-2846
Local and Foreign Support Groups/Hotlines
Domestic Violence Tools from Domestic Violence Awareness Blog
Power and Control Wheel
Safety Plan
Interactive Safety Planning Tool
BraveStep’s Courageous Corner (Charlotte based) –
Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline
phone: 0808 200 0247Galop (for the LGBTQ community)
phone: 0800 999 5428
message on FacebookLive Fear Free Helpline (Wales)
phone: 0808 801 0800Men’s Advice Line
phone: 0808 801 0327
message on FacebookRespect Phoneline
phone: 0808 802 4040
message on FacebookScotland’s Domestic Abuse and Force Marriage Helpline (Scotland)
phone: 0800 027 1234Scottish Women’s Aid (Scotland)
phone: 0131 226 6606Women’s Aid Federation (Northern Ireland)
phone: 0800 917 1414
message on Facebook
Women and Girls Advice Line (Linja e Keshillimit per Gra dhe Vajza)
phone: 116
message on FacebookAndorra
Servei d’Atenció a les Víctimes de Violència Domèstica i Familiar
phone: 181Austria
Women’s Helpline Against Violence (Wiener Interventionsstelle gegen Gewalt in der Familie)
phone: 0800 222 555
message on FacebookBelarus
National Hotline for Survivors of Domestic Violence
phone: 8801 100 8801Belgium
Crisis Situation Helpline
phone: 106 (Flemish)
phone: 107 (French)
phone: 108 (German)
Ecoutes Violences Conjugales (French)
phone: 0800 30 030
Violence Hotline (Flemish)
phone: 1712Bosnia and Herzegovina
SOS Line for Women and Children
phone: 1264 (Republika Srpska)
phone: 1265 (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
message on FacebookBulgaria
Women’s Helpline
phone: 359 2 981 7686Croatia
Autonomous Women’s House in Zagreb
phone: 0800 55 44Cyprus
Center for Emergency Assistance Helpline
phone: 1440Czech Republic
phone: +420 251 51 13 13Denmark
LOKK Hotline
phone: +45 70 20 30 82Estonia
phone: 1492Finland
Women’s Line (Naisten Linja)
phone: 358-800-02400
message on FacebookFrance
Violences Femmes Info
phone: 3919
Viols Femmes Information
phone: 0800 05 95 95Germany
National Women’s Helpline
phone: 08000 116 016Greece
E.K.K.A. (National Center for Social Solidarity)
phone: 197
message on Facebook
General Secretariat for Gender Equality
phone: 15 900
message on FacebookHungary
NaNE Helpline for Battered Women and Children
phone: 06 80 505 101Iceland
Kvennaathvarfið Shelter Helpline
phone: 561 1205Ireland
National Freephone Helpline
phone: 1800-341-900
message on FacebookItaly
Antiviolenza Donne
phone: 1522
message on FacebookKosovo
Direct Line for Victims of Violence (Albanian) (Bosnian)
phone: 0800 11112
message on Facebook
SOS Linja
phone: 381 39 033 00 98Latvia
Crisis Helpline
phone: 67222922Liechtenstein
Women’s Helpline Frauenhaus
phone: 423 380 02 03Lithuania
Women’s Line (Lygus)
phone: 8800 66 366
message on FacebookLuxembourg
phone: 12 344Macedonia
National SOS Line – Phone of Trust
phone: 15 315
message on Facebook
SOS National Mobile Line
phone: 389 75 141 700
phone: 389 77 141 700Malta
Appogg Agency Supportline
phone: 179Moldova
Trust Line
phone: 8008 8008Montenegro
SOS Helpline For Victims of Violence
phone: 080 111 111
phone: 202 322 54Netherlands
Veilig Thuis
phone: 0800 2000Norway
Crisis Situation Helpline
phone: 800 40 008Poland
National Emergency Service for Survivors of Family Violence
phone: 801 12 00 02
National Emergency Service for Survivors of Family Violence – Blue Line
phone: 22 668 70 00
message on FacebookPortugal
Serviço de Informação às Vitimas de Violéncia Doméstica
phone: 800 202 148Romania
ADRA (Bucharest)
phone: 021 25 25 117
Baia Mare: Centru Artemis
phone: 0262 25 07 70
CMSC (Iasi)
phone: 023 225 29 20
Sensi Blue Foundation (Bucharest)
phone: 021 311 46 36
Sibiu: A.L.E.G.
phone: 075 389 35 31
Targu Mures: IEESR
phone: 026 521 16 99
Timisoara: APFR
phone: 0256 29 3183Russia
ANNA (National Center for the Prevention of Violence)
phone: 8 800 7000 600Serbia
Helpline for Victims of Domestic Violence
phone: 0800 100 600
Network of Women’s Hotline in Vojvodina
phone: 0800 10 10 10Slovakia
National Line for Women Surviving Violence
phone: 0800 212 212
message on FacebookSlovenia
SOS Helpline for Women and Children
phone: 080 11 55
message on FacebookSpain
Helpline for Information on Gender Violence
phone: 016
message on FacebookSweden
phone: 020 50 50 50
phone: 020 52 1010Switzerland
Dargebotene Hand
phone: 143Turkey
Hürriyet Emergency Domestic Violence Hotline
phone: 90 212 656 9696
Social Service Counseling Line
phone: 183Ukraine
Domestic Violence Counteraction and Child Rights Protection Hotline
phone: 0800 500 335
phone: 0800 500 336
message on Facebook
Afghan Women’s Resource Center
phone: +93 799 203 056
phone: +93 700 280 179
message on FacebookAngola
phone: 260 665 9191Antigua and Barbuda
phone: 268 463 5555Argentina
phone: 11 3133 1000
message on FacebookArmenia
Women’s Support Center
phone: 099 887 808
message on FacebookAustralia
phone: 1 800 737 732
message on FacebookAzerbaijan
phone: 99 412 408 5696Bahamas
phone: 1 800 737 732
message on FacebookBahrain
Information Centre for Women and Children
phone: 17262237
message on FacebookBangladesh
phone: 109Belize
Cornerstone Foundation
phone: 222 4343Benin
Courants de Femmes
phone: 806 254 0376Bhutan
Information Centre for Women and Children
phone: (975) 2 332159/334751Bolivia
Casa del Mujer
phone: 591 4 663 8517
message on FacebookBotswana
Humana People to People
phone: (267) 3900516/7659
message on FacebookBotswana
Humana People to People
phone: (267) 3900516/7659
message on FacebookBrazil
SOS Ação Mulher e Família
phone: 180Brunei
phone: 673 340524Burkina Faso
phone: 226 31 30 52Burundi
phone: +257 22 23 53 78
message on FacebookCabo Verde
phone: 941 780 2232
message on FacebookCambodia
Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center
phone: 1288Cameroon
phone: 267 220 52 94Canada
Alberta Council of Women
phone: 1 800 363 9010
message on FacebookCentral African Republic
phone: 610600Chad
phone: 0235 66 77 50 35
message on FacebookChile
Red Chilena Contra la Violencia Hacia las Mujeres
phone: 800 104 008
message on FacebookColombia
phone: 01 8000 52 2020Comoros
phone: 0269 773 46 63Democratic Republic of the Congo
phone: (267) 220 52 94Republic of the Congo
phone: 05 548 59 95Costa Rica
phone: 506 2224 3986
message on FacebookDjibouti
Union Nationale des Femmes de Djibouti
phone: 35 04 21/35 19 81Dominica
phone: (767) 266-3023/3344/3083Dominican Republic
phone: *212
message on FacebookEcuador
phone: 098 63 62 526
message on FacebookEl Savador
Organización de Mujeres Salvadoreñas por la Paz
phone: 503 2556 0032
message on FacebookEritrea
National Union of Eritrean Women
phone: 291 1 185636
message on FacebookEswatini
Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse
phone: 95
message on FacebookEthiopia
phone: (11) 124 2998/123 0777
message on FacebookFiji
Fiji Women’s Crisis Center
phone: 3313 300
message on FacebookGeorgia
Anti-Violence Network of Georgia
phone: 309 903
message on FacebookGrenada
phone: 473 440 3788
message on FacebookGuatemala
Fundación Sobrevivientes
phone: 2285 0100/0139
message on FacebookGuinea
phone: 60 28-11-89Guyana
Fundación Sobrevivientes
phone: (592) 227-3454Haiti
Anti-Violence Network of Georgia
phone: (509) 2 45 5174/4221
message on FacebookHonduras
phone: 114India
phone: 1091 / 1291
message on FacebookIndonesia
Komnas Perempuan
phone: (0274) 553333Georgia
Anti-Violence Network of Georgia
phone: 309 903
message on FacebookGeorgia
Anti-Violence Network of Georgia
phone: 309 903
message on FacebookIran
Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
phone: 21 88 96 30 91
message on FacebookIraq
phone: 110
message on FacebookIsrael
phone: 1202
message on FacebookJamaica
Woman Inc. Crisis Centre
phone: 929 9038
message on FacebookJapan
Women’s Resource Center
phone: 092 513 7333Jordan
The Jordanian National Commission for Women
phone: 6 568 7037
message on FacebookKenya
Coalition on Violence Against Women
phone: 733 594 794
message on FacebookKiribati
phone: 26187Kyrgyzstan
phone: 281 455Laos
phone: 1362Lebanon
Lebanese Council for Combating Violence Against Women
phone: 6 624 060
message on FacebookLiberia
phone: 919 527 0517
message on FacebookMarshall Islands
Women United Together Marshall Islands
phone: +692 625 5290
message on FacebookMauritius
SOS Femmes
phone: 139Mexico
phone: 1 800 911 2511
message on FacebookMorocco
phone: (212) 2 82 64 00/01
message on FacebookMyanmar
Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation
message on FacebookNamibia
phone: 081 127 1002/3Nepal
The Women’s Foundation Nepal
phone: +977 1 515 5080
message on FacebookNew Zealand
phone: 0508 744 633
message on FacebookNicaragua
phone: 118
message on FacebookNew Zealand
phone: 0508 744 633
message on FacebookNiger
phone: 227 74 12 55Nigeria
phone: (234) 09091333000Papua New Guinea
phone: 71508000Paraguay
phone: 137Saint Kitts and Nevis
phone: 869 469 1887
message on FacebookSaint Lucia
St. Lucia Crisis Centre Corporation
phone: 202Samoa
Samoa Victims Support
phone: 68522640
message on FacebookSan Marino
phone: 800 738 738Saudi Arabia
phone: 1919Senegal
Comite de Lutte Contre Les Violences Faites Aux Femmes
phone: 221 33 941 44 11Seychelles
phone: 248 224 455Sierra Leone
phone: 240 215
message on FacebookSingapore
phone: 18007775555Solomon Islands
phone: 677 26999Somalia
Save Somali Women And Children – SSWC
phone: +252 6184 72202
message on FacebookSouth Africa
Frida Hartley Shelter
phone: 0800 150 150
message on FacebookSouth Korea
Korea Women’s Hotline
phone: 1366
message on FacebookSri Lanka
phone: 94 11 4 715585Sudan
phone: 9696
message on FacebookSuriname
Stop Violence Against Women Foundation
phone: +597 470 0380Taiwan
phone: 113Tajikistan
Project on Prevention of Domestic Violence
phone: (91) 1892 221 527/198Tanzania
phone: 0800 780 100
message on FacebookThailand
phone: 02 276 2950Timor-Leste
phone: 390 321 534Tonga
Women & Children Crisis Center Tonga
phone: +676 222 40
message on FacebookTrinidad and Tobago
phone: 800 7283Tunisia
phone: (216) 7189 0011Uruguay
Red Uruguaya Contra la Violencia Doméstica y Sexual
phone: 0800 4141
message on FacebookVanuatu
phone: +678 25764
message on FacebookVenezuela
Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas
phone: 0800-MUJERES (6853737)
message on FacebookVietnam
phone: (971) 34 36/31 43Yemen
phone: 1 415 814Zambia
phone: 1 25 52 04
How Survivors to Thrivers Helps
2020 American Book Fest Best Book Finalist
Tambry’s experiences, concepts and heart help the reader see that thriving is possible. Begin the next step in your healing journey from your own home at your own pace with exploration exercises to claim your Going-Forward Story.
Group Growth Guide
Having a trusted group nurturing growth together can help in the healing journey. This Ten-Week Discussion Guide to Awakening the Light helps your small group create a safe space to grow together.