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So far tharris has created 23 blog entries.

Called to Be Vulnerable and Share

2021-03-01T08:48:00-05:00March 1st, 2021|

At Survivors to Thrivers, we wish to create a supportive community that brings light and awareness to the shame and silence surrounding abuse and encourages survivors to find strength and freedom by finding their voice and claiming a story of transformation and growth leading to empowered lives. For this reason, we are excited to have a Thrivers Speak Blog where others who have journeyed from surviving to thriving can share their stories of hope and encouragement. Our first brave Thriver to share in this way is Megan Young, a beautiful soul, a wife, a mother of three, and a writer. Through her writing, she intends to offer hope, inspiration, and resources to live your best imperfect life! Thank you, Megan, for sharing your story and your heart!


I believe we are called to be open and vulnerable and share our most protected stories. We are called into community with others to break open the dark, hidden parts of our lives and make connections.

I am a survivor of sexual abuse. I experienced sexual abuse in my childhood and as a teenager. You might gasp and wonder why I would share this for anyone to read?

Creating Healthy Mindsets and Pathways

2021-02-15T09:52:00-05:00February 15th, 2021|

Earlier this month we talked about looking at limiting beliefs and understanding how the resulting thoughts and attitudes affect our actions and behaviors. I promised that you didn’t have to be bound by your limiting beliefs and that you can turn them around to be life-giving and lead to thriving. Now we will explore how!

Let’s take the next step with our activity. We started with this flow:

· A limiting belief and unhelpful mindset is formed. Mine was “I’m not worthy”.

· Thoughts and attitudes grow from that belief. Mine were “I must prove my worth and earn my value”.

· Finally, actions and behaviors result from the thoughts. My actions were to strive for grades, achievements and accolades to prove myself and gain love which led to a lifetime of striving.

Now let’s move to another flow. We want to see what the positive/helpful mindset or belief would be.

Love Yourself by Nurturing Yourself

2021-02-01T09:34:00-05:00February 1st, 2021|

February is the month of love, or at least it holds the thought of Valentine’s Day. My hope for you is that you can show one of the most important people in your life that you love them: YOU! So many times, we have ourselves at the bottom of the list when we seek to support and nurture people. I encourage you this month to do some things that are self-nurturing.

To encourage this, we pick up from last month’s blog with our exploration of unhealthy mindsets. In some ways they can become walls of thinking we build up that limit us until we look at them and challenge them.

Claiming Your New Thriver Mindset

2021-01-15T08:54:00-05:00January 15th, 2021|

Earlier this month, I shared the story of the baby elephant finding itself stuck thinking it was too weak or small to leave captivity. Did that story resonate with you in any way? How about my story of personally feeling unworthy and then getting stuck in unhealthy patterns of accepting bad behavior that reinforced my “less-than” mindset?

I want you to begin to think about what unhealthy mindsets might exist for you. These can be deeply ingrained and hard to see because you have been living in them for some time and they are just “the way it is.”

New Year – New Thriver Mindsets

2021-01-01T08:31:00-05:00January 1st, 2021|

In December we explored the concept of giving yourself the gift of personal growth. Were you able to start doing that? Did you think about those things that you want to release and those things that you wanted to claim? Taking this initial step is a movement in valuing yourself. You are worthy of this investment!

As we enter the time of “New Year Resolutions”, I would encourage you to continue claiming those things that are good and healthy for you. We have explored limiting beliefs before and this month we are framing it as setting new thriving mindsets.

Claiming Your Gift of Personal Growth

2020-12-15T18:13:52-05:00December 15th, 2020|

Earlier this month we explored a gift you can give to yourself this season… personal growth. I have always been one who was more comfortable with giving than receiving. At Christmas when we opened up presents, I would get great joy seeing people open the gifts I gave them and then I would be the last one sitting with presents around me unopened. There is nothing wrong with this AND part of my growth has been to learn to receive.

In the December 1st blog, I talked about how one of the stones in my wall was self-reliance. This helped to insulate me from being disappointed. If I don’t expect anything from you, you can’t hurt me. But, if I don’t give you the opportunity to give to me, I will never have the experience of that connection. If I don’t let you help me, then I can never know what it means to be surrounded by a loving community.

I want you to sit and visualize your wall…

Growth – A Gift to Yourself

2020-12-01T09:13:00-05:00December 1st, 2020|

Survivors have learned how to protect themselves. Some of those ways may serve them well but other ways may not. I think about the very powerful wall I constructed to protect myself. For me the wall was built with stones called: self-reliance, competency, perfection, distrust, and distance. These “worked for me” in the sense that I was able to be “successful” and appear highly functioning. No one would guess the pain, fear, uncertainty, isolation and loneliness that existed behind that wall.

Being vulnerable means beginning to first look and see the wall you have built up and then to dismantle it. You may wonder: “Why did you tear down something that was so sturdy and had seemingly worked for you for so long?” The answer is: because it kept out the things that mattered the most to me. It kept out the life-giving things that we humans are created to enjoy: things like connection, kindness, understanding, love and peace.

Vulnerability – Embracing our Whole Selves

2020-11-01T09:42:00-05:00November 1st, 2020|

Vulnerability is a concept that has been popularized by Brené Brown in her book, Daring Greatly. This book came into my life at a time when I was growing exponentially and challenging much of what I knew and even who I was. In last month’s blog, we explored healing our minds, bodies and spirits which can feel vulnerable because we are moving outside our comfort zones. Many survivors of sexual assault have learned to separate themselves mentally from their bodies as a way of self-protection. To inhabit and own all of ourselves can feel very uncomfortable and unfamiliar, and that is okay.

Practicing Healing – Mind, Body, Spirit

2020-10-19T21:57:06-04:00October 19th, 2020|

“Neural pathways” can be deeply ingrained in our brain like a stream winding through the landscape for years wearing a ravine in the earth. Like that stream, the course of its path can be altered, but it requires intentional intervention. If we find there is healing that needs to be done and streams needing to be altered, it is helpful to have ideas about where to start.

To begin exploring ways to heal yourself- mind, body and spirit – let’s start by offering some definitions around each.

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