Control Your Mindsets And Change Your Life!

Published On: September 15th, 2021
Control your mindset and change your life!  In this Thriver Blog, Coach Maggie Kanzki continues to share her insights around how to control your thoughts and mindsets to change your life.  What we believe and think are directly tied to how we live our lives everyday.  Read below how Maggie caught herself in an unhealthy mental space and the practical suggestions she has to create positive thinking and living.  Here’s to Thriving!

Our thoughts and mindsets can support or block those things we want for ourselves and for our lives

Let me give you an example.  One day, while listening to the news, like we all do, I felt a peculiar feeling infused in me.  And for no apparent reason, I was entertaining negative mindsets correlated to the Coronavirus.

For a moment, I had no control over what was happening; and allowed my feelings to take me to a place I did not like.  The sadness turned into distress and I felt consumed by the negative thoughts that invaded my psyche.

We all know the mind is powerful and for a few minutes, I had drifted away. But, as soon as I became aware of what was happening, I paused and took control.

That experience made me realized how easy it is for the mind to create an injurious reality. It confirmed how vulnerable we all are and how quickly we can fall into a pessimistic place which, unfortunately, many of us never fully recover from.

Our Guest Thriver, Maggie Kanzki
Are you ready to begin to control your mindset and begin to change your life?  I want to share with you the self-care techniques I’ve been using to create a healthy mindset.  Each of them have helped me a lot.

My hope is, if you find yourself entertaining negative thoughts, you too can apply them in your daily routine or even share them with someone you know might benefit from them.

They are simple self-care techniques, but once applied, they can really change your life in a positive manner.

The most important thing is for us to be aware of our thoughts, recognize when we are oppressed, and learn how to conquer.
  1. Take three to five minutes every morning before leaving your bed to express gratitude. Just be silent and be thankful for you are awake. You know, many were not as lucky as you are this morning.
  2. Take a few deep breaths, hold each one for a few seconds and release. That will help with anxiety and panic attacks. It is important to remember there are lots of people who need a machine to help them breathe.
  3. Once out of bed, stretch your body. It is a good habit to exercise first thing in the morning. Turn on the music and move your body. Be grateful for you didn’t need anyone to help you get out of bed this morning.
  4. Start the day by drinking a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach; that will definitely boost your immune system.
  5. Be mindful of the food you are putting in your stomach and how much you are eating. Remember, they say – “you are what you eat.” Well, it’s true.
  6. Laugh as much as you want. Scientifically it is proven that laughter strengthens our immune system and boosts our mood. It’s okay to allow the inner child in you to surface every now and then and have fun.
  7. Create a daily pattern to go to bed at the same time. It is very important to have a good night of sleep. Besides, your body will be happy with you the following day.

Well, these are the seven tips I am using daily. I hope you will decide to join me because my goal is to take charge of the things I can control.

As always, if you have any questions, you can reach out to me via email at or visit my website at

Remember, we have one shot at this thing called life, let’s make the best out of everything and every moment as we own our destiny.   ~ Coach Maggie

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