
Love Yourself by Nurturing Yourself

2021-02-01T09:34:00-05:00February 1st, 2021|

February is the month of love, or at least it holds the thought of Valentine’s Day. My hope for you is that you can show one of the most important people in your life that you love them: YOU! So many times, we have ourselves at the bottom of the list when we seek to support and nurture people. I encourage you this month to do some things that are self-nurturing.

To encourage this, we pick up from last month’s blog with our exploration of unhealthy mindsets. In some ways they can become walls of thinking we build up that limit us until we look at them and challenge them.

Get Challenging Supporters All In for Healing

2020-07-17T10:00:00-04:00July 17th, 2020|

Support can mean many things to people, but a commonality is a desire to feel included and valued by those we love and society. When we feel pain or fear, it is human nature to crave love and encouragement. People with a history of trauma are in greater need of external sources of empathy to help jumpstart our own abilities to cultivate that loving-kindness for ourselves. Sadly, the depths and complexity of our experience can make it difficult for people, even those to whom we are most bonded, to understand and subsequently assist us during our hardship.

At the beginning of the month, four types of support systems, and one nonsupporter, archetypes were highlighted ranging from the most passive type of involvement to the most active. When you understand the mindset of someone who you might be seeking advice or support from, you can ensure that you set healthy boundaries and expectations. This will be essential for you to maintain thriver mindset and continue your path in reclaiming your going-forward story. However, it is always helpful to have a few tools to assist you in navigating these relationships. In this blog, we will cover a few exercises to help you gain more clarity and peace on how to interact with each of these supporters who might be involved in your life.

See Something, Say Something!

2020-07-01T10:00:00-04:00July 1st, 2020|

One common thread in my survivor story is feeling alone in my journey. I was told during my years of abuse that no one, even those closest to me, would ever believe my claims. Like many sexual abuse survivors, I have a community of people around me that love me and actively work to “support” me. Yet, the concept of support and people’s ability to provide that most loving of care is seldom understood. It is this lack of understanding at the level one might hope for, and require, that prevents proper exploration of the issue.

Currently, 2020 is acting as a magnifying glass in the sun towards communities seeking greater support from society. America is struggling with Covid-19 impacts that cause heightened levels of anxiety from coast-to-coast. In the wake of multiple murders by police, Black Lives Matters is demanding the world address systemic racism including America’s need for health and policing reform. In late June, an international movement exposing sexual assault in the wrestling industry (a global sport where men and women compete side-by-side) was created with the hashtag #speakingout. This newest sexual abuse movement is still evolving, but driving conversation about sexual abuse in the workplace, gender bias in sports, retaliation, lingering effects of trauma, and how words matter.

From listening to the news, interacting with loved ones and reading social media, I’ve noticed four types of supporters.  There is also a type who is incapable of support, or ostrich, which consciously or subconsciously ignores an issue.  By investigating each one, you may identify people in your life, what they are capable of handling, and how to maintain healthy engagement.  The next blog will offer tips to improve communication and interactions with each group.

Movement to create Thriver-Mindset

2019-09-15T10:00:00-04:00September 15th, 2019|

“I feel like I have hit a plateau in my life and I can’t reach that next level of living.” 


This is a common statement for many survivors of sexual abuse and other traumatic experiences.  Does this resonate with you?  If so, you might be in need of creating that bridge from Survivor to ThriverSurvivor-Mindset entails a focus on understanding your experience, discovering what matters to you and healing.  Thriver-Mindset is the courage to accept the trauma and finding a place where one can coexist with both the darkness and enlightenment you gained from the experience. 


A thriver realizes they aren’t the same person they were before the trauma. Instead they have become a stronger and more inspirational individual who can steadfastly traverse a shifting environment guided by peace and light.  It can feel easier said than done.  Start small and speak kindly to yourself. 

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